Connecticut Preparedness 

A community of Connecticut neighbors discussing topics important for preparedness and self-reliance.

Laws regarding firearms
Coalition proposals submitted to the Legislature for action. See CCS Legislative Agenda 2010 on our website under Legislation.

AN ACT CONCERNING THE AUCTION OF CONFISCATED HUNTING IMPLEMENTS (DEP) Statement of Purpose: To renew firearms auctions previously successfully conducted without incident and implement a revenue source not utilized.

AN ACT CONCERNING THE AUCTION OF FIREARMS. (DPS) Statement of Purpose: To renew firearms auctions previously successfully conducted without incident and implement a revenue source not utilized.

AN ACT CONCERNING THE PERMIT TO SELL FIREARMS Statement of Purpose: To provide compatibility with federal law allowing firearm sales at other limited locations. Current interpretation forces legitimate/checked-out permit holders to purchase an additional permit to sell in other municipalities for gun shows/events


AN ACT CONCERNING PERMIT TO CARRY A PISTOL OR REVOLVER FEES. Statement of Purpose: To reduce Pistol Permit costs to the previous level reducing the prospect of pricing-out citizens who have a need for self-protection, recreation and collecting.

AN ACT CONCERNING SUNDAY HUNTING. Statement of purpose: To allow bow and arrow and firearms hunting on Sunday on private property. Increase revenue by recovering hunters lost through attrition or work scheduling.


Statement of Purpose: Allow nonresidents to carry a pistol or revolver in this state if such nonresident holds a valid permit or license to carry a firearm issued in another state which meets Connecticut state standards for age, investigation and training.

AN ACT CONCERNING APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS FOR A TEMPORARY STATE PISTOL PERMIT TO CARY PISTOLS OR REVOLVERS. Statement of Purpose: Reduce costs to municipalities by standardizing application requirements for temporary state permits to carry pistols or revolvers .

AN ACT ELIMINATING A REDUNDANT REQUIREMENT THAT VENDORS KEEP A “BOUND BOOK” OF PISTOL AND REVOLVER SALES. Statement of Purpose: Reduce State Police manpower/ administrative costs incurred in inspections. Such documentation is met by other requirements through submission and maintenance of State Police forms and the requirement for a federal “bound book.”

On Thursday Feb. 4, the Public Safety Committee Raised one Department of Public Safety Submission below that seriously affects gunowners. Previous reports from other sources that “Mandating Concealed Carry”, to this point, are premature and erroneous.

DPS Document Name (e.g., OPM091.doc; OPM092.doc) See Attachment. Underline NEW language; Brackets = Deleted. We have noted our comments in Yellow. We welcome your review and suggestions.

Review complete info at

Summary of Proposal (Include background information)
Section 1: Changes to Add Exceptions to Carrying of Dangerous Weapons and Facsimile Firearms: An exception is added to the carrying of dangerous weapons and the sale, carrying and brandishing of facsimile firearms statutes for any person while participating in a qualified production under the auspices of a state-certified production company.
Section 2: Conform statute prohibiting Carrying a firearm while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drug to .08
Section 3: Changes to Add Annual Firearms Refresher Training and DPS Approval of Instructors to the Bail Enforcement Agent Licensing and Permit to Carry Firearm Statutes: Additions are made to the bail enforcement agent licensing and special permit to carry firearm application process that would mandate annual firearms refresher training for armed bail enforcement agents, professional bondsmen and surety bail bond agents. Proposal would also require DPS approval of instructors and allow for the suspension or revocation of such approval for cause.
Section 4: Changes to the Gun Show Requirements: Language has been added that would require a gun show promoter to also notify the Commissioner of Public Safety not later than thirty days before commencement of a gun show, of the date, time, duration and location of a planned gun show. Requirements for notifying local authorities remain unchanged.
Section 5: Add date of birth and place of birth to the statutorily mandated paperwork as stated in C.G.S. 29-33(e) and 29-37 (b). Reduces 48 hour mail in notification of sale receipt to 24 hours as mandated in C.G.S. 29-37a.
Section 6: Adds language to Sec. 29-36f to become compliant with federal law Title 18 U.S.C. 922 g where anyone prohibited including a person without permanent legal status from purchasing a firearm would be denied the sale of a firearm, which this statute presently allows.
Also adds language to Sec 29-36g regarding the fees as necessary for submission of fingerprints to Federal Bureau of Investigation as well as Connecticut’s State Police Bureau of Identification where fees are required to process fingerprints.
Section 7: Proposal adds all court orders prohibiting the possession of firearms to be specifically enforceable within C.G.S. 53a-217 and 53a-217c.

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